Secretary of the Air Force Deborah Lee James talks about the importance of taking care of people, mission readiness and the service’s continued modernization. (U.S. Air Force video/Andrew Arthur Breese)
Three decades of experience in defense-connected leadership taught Secretary of the Air Force Deborah Lee James that face-to-face engagement is the best way to get the pulse of an organization. As the Air Force’s department head, direct contact has become the center of the secretary’s three-prong communication process: visiting bases around the world to gather information on issues that matter to Airmen on the front lines executing the mission; meeting with commanders and staff for decision making; and collaborating on policies with lawmakers on Capitol Hill.
James talks with Airmen during a recent visit to Beale AFB. James relishes her time talking with Airmen because it is an essential part of her decision making process. (Photo // Master Sgt. Jeffrey Allen)
“It’s been my experience that the best way to find out what’s really going on in your organization is to lead by walking around,” James said. “I do this as an important supplement to information I receive in briefings at the Pentagon.”
Senior Airmen Tamika Bedasie and Leigh Starks, from the 9th Operational Support Squadron share a laugh with James while she test the fitting of her pressure suit. James is being fitted with the pressure suit before her flight to an altitude of 70,000 feet in a U-2 Dragon Lady. (Photo // Master Sgt. Jeffrey Allen)
There’s no substitute for face-to-face meetings, she said, adding that she gets input from many sources – from senior advisors, general officers and chiefs, to the most junior Airmen — officer, enlisted and civilian.
“This helps me to make better decisions — to help tell the Air Force’s story and to fight for our resources and key policies,” she said. “Base visits let me look Airmen and families in their eyes, feel their joy in serving, hear their concerns, help solve their problems, give them updates directly, and hopefully encourage them along the way.”
Senior Airman Courtney Lee, from the 9th Medical Group talks with James during a recent visit to Beale AFB. During her visit, James took time to meet and talk with several junior enlisted and officers as well as the base’s senior leadership. (Photo // Master Sgt. Jeffrey Allen)
During one visit to Beale Air Force Base, California, over the summer, James met with groups of Airmen in the dining facility. No matter the issue, the secretary insists her staff follow up to provide answers to Airmen’s questions.
Another part of her base visit is a one-on-one meeting with the sexual assault response coordinator. The SARC serves as an installation’s single point of contact for integrating and coordinating sexual assault victim care services. James asks about what is going well, what their concerns are and what other support or resources they may need.
While at Beale AFB, James received a demonstration of the 9th Reconnaissance Wing’s high-altitude mission — she flew to 70,000 feet in the U-2 Dragon Lady to gain a better understanding of the unique intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance missions it executes.
Veronica Valdez advises James of changes to a speech during a flight from Beale AFB to Los Angeles. On her 50-minute flight, the work didn’t stop for James and her staff, as she reviewed bullet background papers, speeches and biographies preparing her for the next meetings and answered the emails that filled the inbox during her meetings. Once on the ground, she quickly stepped to a waiting vehicle and was off to the next stop. (Photo // Master Sgt. Jeffrey Allen)
“I want Airmen to understand that their mission is vital to not only delivering airpower worldwide, but (also to) our national security. The unique operating environment engages all five senses and the demanding mission requirements are accomplished by a team of professionals keenly focused on the task at hand. The challenges and dedication of these Airmen could best be understood in person.”
Whether it’s an immersion visit, a small group session or an all call with Airmen, James’ message has remained the same since becoming secretary in 2013; she emphasizes her three priorities of taking care of Airmen, balancing today’s readiness with tomorrow’s modernization, and making every dollar count. Ensuring Airmen know what she’s focused on and getting their feedback on those priorities is important to her, she said.
James discusses a few topics with senior Air Force leadership and her staff Aug. 24, 2015, at Pentagon in preparation for a press briefing. James’ ability to talk with Airmen globally allows her to gather information on the state of the Air Force, which she then uses to help develop and provide policy changes to help better the Air Force. (Photo // Staff Sgt. Andrew Lee)
From her office at the Pentagon, the secretary’s schedule on a typical August day is once again packed. Filled with briefings and meetings on topics as diverse as acquisition program updates and personnel boards, she also made time to provide a recording for the “Little Blue Book” mobile application. The “Little Blue Book” was recently updated and provides Airmen with the core values, codes and creeds that guide them in their service in the profession of arms.
James’ schedule may drive her day, but the Airmen and the stories they share are always at the front of her mind. Often those stories are about the challenges of balancing families and Air Force requirements.
Working with her staff and other senior leaders, the Air Force developed some initiatives to help, such as the post-pregnancy deployment deferment policy. The policy increases the deferment from deployment, short tour or dependent-restricted assignment, and temporary duty to one year, unless waived by the service member.
James acknowledges this is not the only issue on Airmen’s minds that needs addressing, but if she is able to address one issue at a time, moving the ball forward, then that’s success in her mind.
In addition to taking care of Airmen, her other priorities, balancing today’s readiness with tomorrow’s modernization and making every dollar count, help focus her during budget prioritization meetings and acquisition program updates.
James collaborates with senior Air Force leadership and her staff in a meeting to prepare for the State of the Air Force press briefing Aug. 24, 2015, in the Pentagon. (Photo // Jeffrey Allen)
Just as the secretary listens to Airmen and meets with commanders and senior leaders, she equally makes time for lawmakers on Capitol Hill.
The secretary’s experience serves her well when it comes to this part of the job. Her experience on Capitol Hill, including her decade on the House Armed Services Committee staff, when she earned the nickname “Sledge” for her direct and unrelenting approach to her job, allows her to understand how decisions on the Hill are made. Secondly, her ability to speak honestly and plainly comes in handy during discussions on crucial funding issues. Finally, her comfort level with direct contact, which is just as important with decision-makers as it is with her staff and Airmen, keep her engaged and working hard to inform the Hill on the issues that matter to the Air Force.
James explains the effects that preparing for and operating under a continuing resolution has on the Air Force to U.S. Congressman Steve Womack. James’ relationship with members of Congress is vitally important when dealing with critical funding issues facing the Air Force. (Photo // Master Sgt. Jeffrey Allen)
“It’s all about relationships,” Grable said. “Work on the Hill doesn’t get done without those relationships.”
James provides an update with Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Mark A. Welsh III on current Air Force operations during a press briefing Aug. 24, 2015, in the Pentagon. (Photo // Staff Sgt. Andrew Lee)
“Getting to serve alongside of, and advocate for, the 664,000 Airmen and families of the Air Force is something I take very seriously,” James said. “Being Secretary of the Air Force is the honor of my professional life.”
James enjoys having photos taken with the Airmen she meets during her visits around the Air Force. Meeting and talking with Airmen is important to James because it allows her to speak directly with them, hear their concerns and answer any questions they may have. (Photo // Master Sgt. Jeffrey Allen)
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